The Wilson Elser Product Liability Advocate blog is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The purpose of the blog is to provide information with the understanding that the blog does not constitute or contain legal advice and that prior results are no guarantee of similar outcomes. The presentation of the information on this site, or the receipt of the information by users of the site, does NOT create a lawyer-client relationship or impose any obligation on Wilson Elser to represent the user of the site in any legal matter. In addition, the sending of electronic mail to any lawyer or other contact/address identified in the site does not create a lawyer-client relationship, and the contents of any such electronic mail are not privileged unless the sender is a current client of Wilson Elser and the communication is sent pursuant to that relationship.
The contents of this website may contain attorney advertising under the laws of various states. Wilson Elser makes no representations or warranties as to the timeliness, availability, accuracy, or completeness of any information contained in this site. Like any printed material, the information provided in this site may become outdated over time. Wilson Elser takes no obligation to correct or update any content or information on this site and reserves the right to alter or delete content and information on this site at any time. No person should act or rely on any information on this site without seeking the advice of an attorney. Please be aware that the transmission of an email inquiry itself does not create an attorney-client relationship. Wilson Elser cannot serve as your counsel in any manner unless you and our firm expressly agree in writing that we serve as your attorney.